Media Coverage offers a range of services enabling law firms to connect with clients and win new business.
Law Firm Newsletters
We produce a wide range of bespoke and readymade newsletters that can be printed or sent out as email attachments. More on our law firm newsletters.
Law News Articles
Our law news articles feature the latest legal developments and can be used by law firms to create news sections on their websites, email newsletters and newsfeeds on social media platforms such as Twitter or Linkedin. More on our legal news articles.
Family Law Guides
Our Family Law Guides guides provide your clients with an easy to read overview of the law relating to issues such as pre-nups, cohabitation, parental rights, child arrangements orders, the grounds for divorce and dozens more areas. More on our law firm press releases.
Press Releases
Our press releases help law firms get valuable coverage in their local newspapers and business magazines. More on our law firm press releases.
Media Training
Our highly acclaimed media training courses provide lawyers with valuable insights into how newspapers and broadcasters work, and how to deal with interviews and questions from journalists. More on our media training courses.
Design and Print
Media Coverage offers a full design and print service for newsletters and brochures, together with exciting graphics and infographics for your website and social media marketing. More on Design and Print