Home Take control of your law firm’s newsletter

Take control of your law firm’s newsletter

It’s your newsletter so shouldn’t you be able to choose all the articles that go into it, even if it’s readymade rather than bespoke?

Now you can.

Our ‘choose your own articles’ newsletter gives you total control – even though you don’t have to do any of the writing yourself.

This is how it works.

Choose the articles you wish to use

We will send you more than 20 articles every quarter. All you have to do is choose which ones you want to use. We will then put them into a professionally designed four-page A4 newsletter template. (See sample newsletters).

If you wish, you can add articles of your own. You can include adverts or news items about the firm. You can even customise our articles to suit your particular needs and send them back to us to be included in the newsletter. You have total control.

The newsletter design will incorporate your logo, corporate colours, services and contact details etc so it looks bespoke to you.

As an added bonus, you can also use the articles we send to you in your blogs or in your website news section.

They also provide great material for social media. We will send the articles in batches each month so you use them on your website before choosing which ones you want to include in your quarterly newsletter.

Exclusivity in your area

The newsletter and all the articles we send to you will be exclusive to you in your area.

The quarterly ‘choose your own articles’ newsletter costs just £395 plus VAT per quarter. The price includes the articles we send to you each month.

Please take a look at our sample newsletters – one for your business clients and one for private clients.

Contact us now for more details about our ‘choose your own articles’ service. Give us a call on 0115 081 3655.