Media Coverage provides a wide range of marketing content for law firms, enabling you to promote your services for minimal cost and effort.
Our monthly law articles and newsletters are a great way to enga ge with your clients and potential clients. You could try producing this material yourself but it can be very time consuming; we can make it easy for you.
We cover a wide range of subjects for both your commercial and private clients.
Our ready to use fully designed newsletters will feature your name, logo, colours and contact details, saving you so much time and at a fraction of the cost of hiring designers and writers.
If you prefer, you can take the articles as Word documents and post them on your website or use in your email newsletters and social media platforms.
All the articles are complete and ready to use without you having to do anything…although of course you can add to them if you wish to make them more personal. It’s up to you.
We cover current court cases and rulings, new regulations and all the latest developments…all the stories that will appeal to clients.
We’re flexible so you can choose what suits you best.
We can provide articles that cover several services…or just one or two.
You can specify different subjects. For example, if you specialise in residential property and wills and probate, we can focus just on those.
Or whatever combination you like.
Our law articles and newsletters help you build a longstanding relationship with clients and potential clients.
Letting us produce them for you will save you time and money, letting you concentrate on more important things, like getting through your case load and getting home from work on time for once.
Give us a call or send us an email to find out more.