All Media Coverage law news articles are professionally written and can be used as they are without any editing or amendments.
Most of our clients publish them in this way without alteration.
However, you can get much more out of them if you have the time to add a little colour of your own.
While we report on legal developments, important court cases, government announcements etc, we concentrate on reporting the facts and don’t tend to add any comments either welcoming or criticising the legal development being featured.
This leaves room for you to add your own comments at the end of our articles, perhaps pointing out what impact you feel the changes will have, or perhaps adding examples and caveats from your own experiences.
You don’t have to do this, of course, as our articles are all designed to stand alone, but if you do add your own thoughts it will help you build a more personal relationship with your clients over time as they see you being quoted.
Use the articles on multiple platforms
Don’t forget you can use the articles in different ways. The most obvious is to publish them on your website as part of your news blog, but don’t just leave it at that.
Consider using them as part of a monthly or even weekly email newsletter. This will keep you in the forefront of your clients’ minds and it’s very easy to do.
Email distribution firms like Mailchimp provide readymade systems that are inexpensive or even free, depending on how many clients you have on your email lists. They enable you to create professional looking newsletters, featuring text, images and links back to your website.
The articles are also ideal for creating social media posts, particularly on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Once you’ve placed the articles on your website, it’s very simple to take the next step and turn them into posts and tweets.
It’s as simple as copying the web address to the article and then pasting it on to your social media platforms. Your web developer can make it easier by placing social media buttons above the article so you can publish directly from your site.
Large platforms like Facebook and Twitter can provide you with a piece of code that will track and record visitors to your website. You can then create ads that will be shown only to these ‘hot leads’ enabling you to get the most out of your advertising budget.
Media Coverage law articles give you endless scope for promoting your law firm; make the most of them on as many platforms as possible. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like more information about these ideas.